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What is the Ram ( Random access memory ) • रेम क्या है

 What is the Random access memory :: 

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer memory that is used to temporarily store data that the computer is actively using. It is called "random access" because any byte of memory can be accessed randomly, rather than having to read through the entire memory sequentially.

            Figure :: Random access memory 

RAM is an essential component of a computer system, because it allows the computer to access data quickly and efficiently. When you open a program or file, it is loaded into RAM so that the computer can access it quickly without having to retrieve it from a slower storage device like a hard drive.

The amount of RAM in a computer is an important factor in its performance. If a computer does not have enough RAM, it may slow down or crash when running demanding programs or multitasking. Modern computers typically have several gigabytes of RAM, with higher-end machines having even more.

RAM is volatile memory, meaning that its contents are lost when the computer is turned off or loses power. This is why it is important to save any important data to a permanent storage device like a hard drive before shutting down a computer.

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